We are very happy to announce the launch of our do-it-yourself community. As a registered forum user you will be able to access the construction plans to build your very own Rover. Click here and register at http://diy.cubotix.com for FREE to get access to the open hardware construction plans.
GDG Meetup: Introduction to Modern Service Robotics
Join us today for the Google Developer Group Silicon Valley Meetup: “Wearables and other Cool Stuff” at the Google West Campus 2 with an “Introduction to Modern Service Robotics”.

For participants: Build your own Rover! Everybody who participates in this short single page survey (Update: survey is now closed), will get access to the instructions and LEGO Digital Design files to build your very own Rover. Also, we will invite you to join our soon to be launched DIY community.

Cubotix’s LEGO Self-Driving Car Featured in Makezine.com
Rover is a true crowd pleaser and he didn’t fail to deliver at this year’s Maker Faire in San Mateo. The press loves him just as much as he’s featured in Makezine.com.
Missed the event? Don’t fret! You can watch this talk by Cubotix founder Martin Wojtczyk as it was given live at Maker Faire (ok you missed the awesome flying drones but you can catch that next year).
Rover the LEGO Self-Driving Car Exhibition at Maker Faire Bay Area 2014 a Big Hit

We’ve heard about Maker Faire before but experiencing it for oneself is a whole different story. It’s a joyous communal celebration of human creativity and ingenuity that can dive deep into robotics and technology but also extend far to theatrical arts.
In our Robotics corner included fellow exhibitors NASA, Sphero, Ponga, UK-based Extreme Fliers, and Open ROV. As Google invested heavily in robotics recently, it’s no wonder we brushed shoulders with one of the company’s founding partner, Larry Page.
With over 130,000 attendees coming from over 42 countries and 49 states, Rover sure had a blast at his first time appearance making many new friends and meeting old ones at the 9th annual Maker Faire Bay Area 2014.

If you weren’t able to make it to the event don’t fret. For a limited time we’re offering the instructions and LEGO Digital Designer files to build your very own Rover in exchange for your honest feedback on what you’d like to see in a personal robot on this short single page survey (Update: survey is now closed). We’d love to hear from you. Be a part of the growing community that’s excited about building Rover’s next generation!
Rover at Maker Faire
Maker Faire – “The Greatest Show and Tell on Earth” is coming up this weekend on May 17 & 18 in San Mateo, California. This is the original and the biggest Maker Faire of them all and we are very excited to be part of it. Devy and I received an invitation to showcase Rover – our little award-winning, autonomous LEGO robot over the weekend. Come and say hi to Rover in the Expo hall (south).
Cubotix in the Top 30 of Robot Launch 2014

Demoing at several conferences and engagements throughout the U.S. and Europe allowed us to see that Rover sparked significant interest and curiosity from a diverse age range of people across a variety of industries. So we decided to enter Rover in Robot Launch, a global robotics startup competition with judges from major investment and venture capital firms, successful robotics entrepreneurs, IP lawyers, designers, and engineering consultants. We are proud that Rover made it to the top 30! Go Rover!
Robot Block Party in Palo Alto

It is National Robotics Week and Silicon Valley Robotics is hosting the Robot Block Party at WilmerHale in Palo Alto this Wednesday, March 9 from 1pm-4pm. The event is open to the public. Guess who’s coming to the Silicon Valley Robot Block Party – correct: Rover! We are very excited to showcase our little companion among NASA, Bosch RTC, Suitable Technologies, and many other stellar companies and organizations from the Valley. Looking forward to meeting you on Wednesday!
Rover at California Academy of Sciences
Devy, Rover and I had the great pleasure to be invited as presenters for Robot Nightlife at the California Academy Of Sciences – a special event dedicated to robotics. Among stellar robot companies such as Bot & Dolly and Suitable Technologies out of San Francisco and Silicon Valley was our little Rover – the award-winning, autonomous, gesture controlled robot. As Rover moved around and talked up to people passing by, he sure got everybody’s attention. Please see the pictures below for a few impressions of our eventful evening at the California Academy of Sciences.
Party like a Rover at California Academy of Sciences
After several weeks of very exciting trade fair shows around the world, Rover asked for a relaxed robot party with his robotic friends and bros. Rover was invited as a special guest by the California Academy of Sciences in the heart of San Francisco’s beautiful Golden Gate park for their weekly nightlife event. This Thursday March, 27th nightlife is a big robot party and Devy and I are excited to join our little friend to this event. 🙂
Come and say hi to Rover and his big brothers from the Silicon Valley Robotics group and enjoy an evening at the beautiful California Academy of Sciences with its exciting permanent exhibits, large aquarium, astonishing green house, and impressive planetarium.
Wrap-up: Rover at Game Developers Conference
Game Developers Conference (GDC) is the annual event “to inform and educate game industry professionals on online multiplayer games, mobile and next generation game technologies”. After its world trip to Mobile World Congress with Intel in Barcelona and to CeBIT in Hanover, Rover arrived back home in San Francisco to show the interested crowds in or around Intel’s booth our vision of smart, next generation technologies for both – work and play.
Below please see for yourself Rover’s impressions of GDC.